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I dont exist without You

Not too long ago, I used to wonder about the disparity between the genders, the differences in their outlook and approach to life. Later I began to agree with John Gray's idea that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Since childhood I was rather diffident about girls (we all are bit diffident with situations and persons unfamiliar to us) and kept away from them. That I did not have a sister helped in staying away from girls. I carried that attitude to college and even out of college.

Until a while back, society was mainly male dominated and it was easy to take pride in being the superior gender. Females just weren't upto us!
I was in total agreement with the old sage Manu and his Manu-smriti which propounded that women should be subservient to men in society as girl-child, wife and mother and be always under a males' protection. That they are emotionally, mentally and intellectually weaker than men. Sweet thoughts for ego boosting.

And then came the disturbing question as to the necessity of having such inferior persons in this play of life. Everything in this life is with reasons and has a valid and significant part to play in the theatre of life. What is the reason and basis for having an apparently inferior gender ... (I'm sure some of my lady readers and gents too would've raised cudgels by now )

Why is there Tamas along with Satvvic qualities ...
Why did the Satwic magnificence of the ancients give way to Tamasic degradation today

Well, why do we have nights, why not have light 24 hours.
Why is there change of seasons. Why isn't there pleasant spring throughout the entire year ...

Can there be a wave without a trough...

Is there any mountain without a valley ...

Can there be a coin with only the head.

Is there a river with only one bank...

A magnet with only one pole.

It is the duality that is the basis of life.
One is necessary for the other to be. It is both or neither.

I dont exist without You.

Opposites are the reasons for each to be. The existence of one owes to the other. And so, the male owes his existance to the female and vice versa.
A Body is required for the Soul/Spirit to have physical manifestation. And but for the Spirit/Soul, Body is a decaying carcass.

Each balances other. Each compliments the other.

There is no 'I' without 'You'.
Within the confines of 'You' and 'I' the Universe and Life finds its varied existence.

Without resides Realisation.

Male Female, Birth Death, Satvva Tamas, Spring Winter, Day Night, Pain Pleasure, Body Spirit, Anguish Ecstasy, Questions Answers and all its varied opposites supplement each other in this play of creation.

If the method of expression of my thoughts proved hurtful to anybody, I apologize.

Answering the Call of the Soul

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