Musings- Analysis of Life

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Thoughts on Life

"I am the cause of my Life.
I am the effect of my Life.
I make life miserable for myself.
I make it ecstatic for myself.
I find pain in it; and pleasure too.
It's all Me.
Regardless of whether I am conscious of it or not !!!"

Eternal Infinity

Consciousness prevades Everything Everywhere Always.

We are Encompassed by Consciousness.

The Breath that We take,
The Thoughts that we think,
The Actions that we commit,
The Beings and Things that we perceive
Are nothing but Manifestations of this Eternal Attributeless Infinity.

Our sense of Self
Our Knowledge of ourself, is Consciousness

The words that we are reading, the ideas that we form, this monitor, this computer, this room, the sounds that we hear, Our awareness of it all, are all Manifestations of the Eternal Infinite Divinity.

So are We

When I look into the mirror I see an image. When You look, You see another.
Whose image is the right image ?
Whose belief is the right belief ?

What is Life?

When I ask -

  • What is the Meaning of Life?
  • What is the Purpose of Life?
  • Why all this that we see around us ?

I am like the painter who, having worked on the canvas with colors, turns around and asks -
  • What is the Meaning of This?
  • What is its Purpose?
  • Why all this?


The Three Rabbits

Once there lived three little Rabbits- Brown Rabbit, Jack Rabbit, and Billy Rabbit- in a green valley.
They had a large flower garden amidst the grassy slopes of the valley. Spring came and when all the flowers bloomed, the Rabbits decided to take their flowers to the market and sell it.

On the first day, Brown Rabbit collected all the flowers they had picked, put them on watered pots and took them to the market on a cart. The path to the market was very rocky and hard. Brown Rabbit, who had been moving over soft grass had soft soles, and the hard surface of the path cut into his feet. He took a lot of time to travel. By the time he reached the market, the flowers had whithered and he could get only very little money selling the flowers. Braving the pain of journey again, when he reached back home, his soles were hard and rough and calloused.

On the second day it was Jack Rabbit's turn to go to the market. Seeing the turn of events for his friend the previous day, he decided to do something about the road. After considerable thought he hit upon the idea to cover the road with grass so as to cushion his feet and to even out the surface. Along with the flowers, he pushed another cart filled with grass with which he covered the road ahead before moving forward.
Soon the grass cart was empty and he hadn't covered even a quarter of the way to the market. So he began cutting leaves and grass from around the place to cover the road. It took him a long time and even by nightfall he had not reached market. The flowers had long dried out and whithered. Tired and exhausted he made his way back, consoling himself that on the morrow his friend Billy Rabbit would benefit from his efforts. But, to his dismay, he saw that all the grass that he had covered the road with, had blown away in the wind, leaving it as hard and rocky as before. Jack returned home disheartened.

The next day it was Billy's turn. Seeing the plight of his friends, he thought long and clear and hit upon an idea. He took some old leather and made shoes for all of them, cushioning with grass to comfort the sole. And wearing the shoes he went to the market, sold the flowers for a handsome profit, bought all the stores that they required and returned home.

At home, his friends welcomed him heartily. Wearing the shoes he made for them, Brown Rabbit and Jack Rabbit exclaimed:- "The whole earth is now cushioned like a grass covered valley!".

The Wise teacher said:-
" World is much like the path the Rabbits had to travel. It appears rocky, hard and rough.
Some people bravely suffer the hard life. They complete their journey like Brown Rabbit - tired and with their heart-body-mind as hard and rough and calloused as Brown Rabbit's soles.
Some others try their best to change the World like Jack Rabbit tried to change the surface of the road. They, invariably, do not reach their destination but see their efforts being blown away by the winds of time.
The third kind of person strives for enlightement. And becoming enlightened, protected by the sheath of Self-knowledge, he is untouched by the apparent harshness or irregularities of Life. It is He that provides lasting comfort to his fellow beings."

This World is Perfect - perfect in its imperfection.


Life is like a puppet show.
Everybody is a puppet in Your world.
Your Thoughts are the strings.
And the Puppeteer ?

You are the Puppeteer.
You set up Your own show on the stage.
And You control your puppets through your thoughts.

Think. And it shall happen has happened !


Your Life is your car.
And you are the driver.
You can take your car anywhere you like.
And, wherever you find yourself, remember, it was you who drove your car there.

Permanence of the World is in its Transience

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