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Words worth their weight in Gold

Know this !
The object you crave for is perishable and transient in itself.
How then can lasting peace be derived from it?

Swami Ramdas

I am responsible for what I see,
I choose the feeling I experience,
and I decide upon the goal I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me,
I ask for and I receive as I have asked.

Gerald G Jampolsky

They say that money is an enticement.
It is not so.
They say that landed property is an enticement.
It is not so.
The real enticement is the insatiable appetite
of the mind.

Allama Prabhu, Vacana 91

I am the Self, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all beings;
I am the begining, the middle and also the end of all beings.
Bhagavad Gita X.20
A Father's Prayer

Build me a son, O Lord,
who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.

Lead him, I pray, not in the path of ease and comfort, but under the stress and spur of difficulties and challenges. Let him learn to stand up in the storm; Let him learn compassion for those who fail.

Build me a son whose heart is clear, whose goals will be high, a son who will master himself before he seeks to master others, one who will reach into the future, yet never forget the past.

And after all these things are his, add, I pray, enough of a sense of humour, so that he may always be serious, yet never take himself too seriously. Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength.

Then I, his father will dare to whisper,"I have not lived in vain."

General Douglas MacArthur

The root of all misery is duality. There is no other remedy for it except the realisation that all objects of experience are unreal and that I am pure, One, Consciousness and Bliss.
Ashtavakra Samhita II.16
Man should discover his own reality and not thwart himiself. For he has the self has his own friend, or as his only enemy. A person has his self as a friend when he has conquered himself. But if he rejects his own reality, the self will war against him.

Bhagavad Gita 6.5-6

When the troubles come, look beyond the mountains to the Blue Skies. See that you are witnessing my play. See that your life is as temporary as the dancing clouds. Your coming and your doing is just part of your performance. Take God alone seriously and play the parts that you are given by Me with Love. I will grieve if you misunderstand your roles. You are the spirit within you; you are your blessed self. My kingdom that is within you is your home.

Sri Satya Sai Baba
Know the Essence

In the unessential they imagine the essential, in the essential they see the unessential.

They who entertain such wrong thoughts never realise the essence.

Dhammapada 11-12

Appetite comes with eating.
Francois Rabelais

Mystery of Creation

One may count the rays of the sun; but it is impossible to count the number of universes that exist. This creation is beginingless. In this 'city of Brahman' (which is the infinite consciousness or the consciousness of one's heart) these universes arise and vanish again and again. But these are different from the one infinite consciousness.

These creations, whether they are gross or subtle, whether established or disintegrating, are all garlands of the subtle elements which have all established first, and the creator is said to be born of space; at other times air gets established first, and at other times, fire, water or earth; and the creator gets an appropriate title.

From this creator's body there arise 'words' like brahmana (a priest) etc., and these words become 'living beings' with appropriate designations.

Of course, all this is unreal, like the creation seen in a dream. Hence the question "How did all this arise in the one infinite consciousness?" is immature and childish. The creations appear to take place on account of the intentions of the mind. This is certainly a mystery and a wonder

I have described all this to you only as an illustration of the truth. However, in this creation, there is no such order or sequence. This creation is nothing but the creation of the mind; this is the truth, the rest is but a fanciful description.

On account of the succession of the creation and dissolution of this universe a time scale is conceived of, from a moment to an aeon.

But this universe is forever present in consciousness just as sparks are ever present in a red-hot iron. In the pure vision of an enlightened person, however, all this is Brahman alone, not a world-appearance. The repetition (creation and dissolution) of infinite number of universes with the infinite variety of creators in them, is nothing but the fanciful percetion of the ignorant and the deluded.

Sage Vasishta's precepts to Sri Rama,
Yoga Vasishta

O son of Kunti, knowledge is enveloped by this constant enemy of the wise in the form of desires insatiable as the fire.
Bhagavad Gita III.39

Wheel of Fortune

After joy, sorrow;
after sorrow, joy;
After day, night;
after night, the day;
Ceaselessly rotate they
on the Wheel of Life;
O'er and between the two
broods peace always.

The Mahabharata
The desires of the mind are insatiable and are compared to the fire. Any amount of fuel we give to the fire will not satisfy it. We can throw the whole house, the whole country, the whole world into the fire and at no point will it say, "No thank you, I've had enough". This is the nature of fire. This is the nature of desire. The more we feed it, the more its appetite increases, higher and wider is its sweep.

Swamy Parthasarathy
Duties done and not done, as well as pairs of opposites - when do they cease and for whom ? Knowing thus, be desireless and intent on renunciation through complete indifference to the world.

Ashtavakra Samhita I.X.I

Everything in this universe is filled with the same energy, with the same intelligence, the same consciousness. Thus, the objects that we use in our life, the actions that we do with our body, the persons to whom our actions are directed, are nothing but the manifestations of God.
Swami Venkatesananda

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