Body-Mind-Intellect. The three steps to Transcendence
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Body - Mind - Intellect

Our body sustains on nutritious food. Food that nourish our body and provides us health. Flavours provide taste to food and make having meals an enjoyable affair. Our body is also sustained by air. Fresh air scented with the essence of flowers provides a flavour that can be enjoyed as much as tasty nutritious wholesome food. Insightful sights in picturesque settings and words of wisdom in pleasant tones soothe the body and the soul. A friendly caress completes the ingredients for physical well being of a healthy body and paves way for a healthy mind.

What strengthen our mind are the emotions that we indulge in. Their flavour is the feelings that they generate within us for the fleeting moment that we indulge in them.

Feelings like happiness and sadness generated by emotions of love and longing. Feelings of ecstasy and anguish. Emotions strengthen our mind and provide the ideal settings for our intellect to evolve. Our intellect derives its nutrition from our thoughts. Incisive thoughts and lofty ideals strengthen our intellect.

Our food can be flavoured in many ways. It may be sweet or salty, spicy or sour. The air we breathe may be scented in many ways. The words we hear may be uttered in many tones. The sights we see, in vivid colours. Similarly does our emotions range in the feelings that they generate within us. An emotion like Love generates feeling of happiness, Longing generates the feeling of sadness and pain. Much like sweets providing a sweet taste in our mouth and salty snacks, a corresponding salty tang. The finest feelings are those that are not in the extremes, just like the best food being not heavily flavoured. Food that is either too sweet or too salty or any other taste in extreme is likely to be repulsive. Similarly, pungent smell and loud noise are disturbing to our physical well being. Correspondingly is the effect upon our mind, of emotions that generate extreme feelings. They are potentially harmful to our mental well being.

Nutritious content of food does not depend on its taste, but on its ingredients and quality. Similarly, freshness of air does not depend on its scent, but on its oxygen content. The value of the sound we hear lies in the message they convey to us, not just on the tone. The sights we see are to be judged by the wealth of knowledge they bring. Of course the flavour of each physical experience is enhanced by their sensual attributes.

Health of our mind is provided, not by the feelings that emotions generate, but the quality and character of those emotions. The strength and endurance of those emotions. Emotions of Love, Affection, Forgiveness, Understanding, Trust. They act like wholesome food for our mind, strengthening and reinforcing it. Feelings that they generate, do provide flavour.

The quality of our thoughts, their loftiness, their depth, penetration and spread provides us with an intellect that is vigorous and healthy. A vigorous and sharp intellect equips us with the ability to analyse and understand Life and to evolve towards Realisation.

There is food that is poisonous to our body. Food that may taste good but is harmful. Food that will damage our physical well-being. There are those that can be addictive. Air that may smell nice, but is toxic. Modulated sounds that may carry malicious messages. Enchanting sights that may be harmful.
Similarly are there emotions that are harmful to our mind. Emotions of hate, jealousy, lust, greed, pride. They destroy the well being of our mind. And so are there thoughts generated in a weak body-mind environment that harms the intellect and destroys our intellectual well-being.


Beware of these foods that may taste good, but is really harmful. Food, which are really unhealthy. Beware of consumables that form an addictive habit. Liquor, Tobacco, Drugs. Of scent that may smell attractive, but is really toxic. Of sights that may seem striking, but is actually degrading. Of sounds that are detrimental in the message they convey. Of touch, that is carnal.

Harmful sensual experiences generates equally harmful emotions and feelings, and consequently, damaging thoughts. And such a mind, dwelling on negative emotions and feelings produces an intellect twisted and regressive.

Let us strive for a healthy body-mind-intellect as a prelude towards the Ultimate Goal.

Answering the Call of the Soul

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