Call of the Soul. A search into questions of Life
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One question that I have frequently entertained during the past 3 - 4 years is regarding the purpose of Life. A question which we are confronted with at some point of our life, and which we discard after a futile pursuit towards its answer.

We are born, we live, indulge in sensual pleasures, procreate, call a few people our own - my child, my wife, my mother, my father, my brother - we congratulate ourselves for achieving a respectable position in society. and eventually, we die away....

Is that all that is to Life ?
You call your child your own, your wife your own. Do you know what will become of them after your death ?
For that matter, what do you know about them...?
indeed, what do you know about yourself ?

Do you know what will become of You after your death...?

"Why think about death...? there is a lot of time for dying. We must live in the present. We will think of death when we are near it. Why waste your present thinking about an unknown future? Why try crossing the bridge before even coming to it? Even if you inquire into it you are not likely to find an answer. Hundreds have thought on these lines and they never found an answer. Purpose of your life is to live in the present, think good, without harming anyone, give happiness to your family and be a good citizen..." etc etc etc are the responses one is confronted with.

Why do you want to live blindfolding your eyes...?
Why be afraid to open the blindfold and look across the horizon...
Why not ask yourself who you are and where you are going instead of living your life like a dog moving to the urgings of a leash - Society and our tendency towards sensual enjoyments directing our actions...
'Cause, when you answer to the urgings of a leash, you make yourself just that - a dog.

Does it take too long for us to find out that the leash is something we have put on our neck ourselves?
That the leash urges because we allow it to and because we comply with those urges unquestioned ?

I feel a call sometimes. A call questioning the validity of this drama of life. A call I respond to.

I realize that everybody in this world is playing out his/her part as per the script he/she prepared and is preparing now. We all are living out our lives as we wanted to; and as we want to. The poor, the rich, the lazy, the ambitious, the beautiful, the plain, the strong, the weak, the courageous and the coward, we have been all of these; and we again become all these as we wish.

We are free to indulge ourselves in these pursuits as much and as long as we would like to....

Comes a stage and we would like to let go of these frivolous pursuits and involve ourselves in something more meaningful.

See You soon in that threshold

P.S. It is a funny fact of Life that It Is what we want It to be.
If one wants to continue his/her role-playing on the stage of life and death, that becomes his(her) reality and he(/she) continues with his(her) various roles - never seeing the curtain or the stage. Never realizing the mask one has put on.

And so the drama of life continues. Much like the never ending soaps that gets families glued to Television. If you want to watch them, press the remote and sit glued to your television watching one soap after other. Essentially all of them have similar plots. Actors and actresses are the same playing different characters in different programmes.
Get your attention away from the Telebox and you perceive your surroundings. Until then you may occupy yourself with the characters in the Idiot box.

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